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Our local partners

30 Bayuni Road Makeni Lusaka
A modern law firm based in Lusaka, Zambia whose mission to take a genuine interest in our clients in order to provide innovative legal solutions on a timely, effective and efficient basis.
21 Kapumpe Road, Prospect Hill, Box 91, Private Bag E835, Lusaka, Zambia
Munkanta Legal is a modern law firm operating in the legal advisory and dispute resolution market in Zambia. We are convinced that the basic pillars of our services: excellency, integrity, efficiency and responsive professional legal services for our clients are fundaments for any legal advisory.
Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama Legal Practitioners
Plot No. 12, Chilekwa Mwamba Road, off Lubu/Saise Roads, Longacres, Lusaka, Zambia
Dentons Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama Legal Practitioners - the Law Firm of the future.
5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating
We were greatly assisted by Debitura in locating a well-priced debt collection lawyer in Lusaka. Their system is incredibly effective, and has made the entire market much clearer to us!
Kaluba Mwape - business owner in Lusaka
5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating
Using Debitura to make connections with local collection partners has been a huge advantage for us, as we can access specific knowledge about each area of Zambia that we serve.
Kabandwe Mukuka - business owner in Lusaka
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How to collect an unpaid invoice from a debtor in Lusaka?

Do you need to reclaim a debt in Lusaka, Zambia? Read on! This guide will give you all the details you require concerning debt collection in the area. If you'd like the help of a local debt collector or lawyer, submit our form and receive 3 no-cost quotes within two days!

Overview of the debt collection process in Lusaka

To ensure our clients in Lusaka receive the highest recovery rate in the industry, we begin our debt collection process by first analyzing the situation and tailoring our efforts based on the size of their claim, type of debtor, and other factors. This technique of personalization is then employed throughout the entire collection process to ensure the maximum amount of debt collection.

The image below explains our standard framework for collecting debt in Lusaka:

Step 1: Find a local collection agency or attorney

Just send your situation to Debitura, and you'll get 3 offers from debt collection companies located in Lusaka who are ready to help.

Step 2: Pre-legal collections

We kick off with a multi-channel strategy, sending letters, emails, SMS and other messages to your debtor in Lusaka to motivate them to settle the debt. If the collection is amicable and we succeed, you just pay a minimal success fee.

Step 3: Evaluation:

mediation, legal proceedings or debt collection services

If the debtor has not remitted payment following the pre-legal measures, it is an appropriate moment to examine the following steps. We shall take into account the sum of the claim, the probability of payment, and the supported legal forms of action in Lusaka to offer the most suitable suggestion for subsequent actions. The common solutions offered in Zambia are negotiation, litigation, or debt collection services.

Step A: Surveillance:

If the amount you are demanding is less than 5000$, it is not cost effective to take legal steps. We suggest constanly monitoring the debtor so we can attempt to settle the debt amicably. This form of oversite is a place to start before formally taking legal action. Additionally, when circumstances change we will let you know a course of action.

Step B: Legal collections:

It is advisable to start legal proceedings if the amount of the claim is substantial. Usually, the sum must exceed 5,000 dollars, however, the ability to pay and other circumstances should be taken into account. The exact procedure depends on the details of the matter and whether the debtor has responded to the initial communication or ignored it. For smaller claims, fewer methods may suffice. A legal lawsuit typically lasts between one to one and a half years and fees are usually incurred. To guarantee a suitable value for the service, shop around and look for separate offers from the various debt collection lawyers in Lusaka.

Step C: Debt enforcement:

If the debtor has accepted your demand or a ruling has been issued by a court of law, you may use the services of a bailiff to carry out the order. This course of action usually takes 12 to 18 months to complete in Lusaka, and involves a payment of a fee to the court, plus legal fees to your debt collection lawyer. The amount of money you pay for this procedure is determined by the size of your claim, so use Debitura to find out more accurate information about the cost.

Cost of debt collection in Lusaka

Average success fee for pre-legal debt collection in Lusaka

When it comes to debt collection in Lusaka, it is most common to pay a success fee should the debt be successfully recovered. This success fee is dependent on the size of the claim and is often a percentage of the total claim amount.

Size of your claimSuccess fee
< 1000$32,5%

Hourly rate for legal-debt collection services in Lusaka

Debt collection in Lusaka requires certain taxes to be paid to the courts, determined by the size of your claim. You will also pay an hourly rate for the use of legal aid services which is based on the complexity of the case and the number of hours needed. The following table shows the average hourly rate fees for debt collection attorneys in Lusaka:

hourly rateCategory
< 75$Very low cost
100$Low cost
150$Medium high cost
> 200$High cost

Lusaka city risk profile

We have evaluated Lusaka's critical financial data and extrapolated a risk assessment. You can use this analysis to guesstimate your payment terms and control the risk when trading and doing business with customers in Lusaka.

Low risk
Medium-low risk
Medium risk
Medium-high risk
High risk

Our analysis has shown that the risk of conducting business in Lusaka is medium-high.
Based on this medium-high score, we recommend always charging upfront payment or using credit insurance when trading with customers in Lusaka, as it may be very difficult to get paid.

The medium-high risk score is based on the following factors:

Economic Risk:
Business Risk:
Political Risk:
Commercial Risk:
Financing Risk:
Economic risk in Lusaka

Zambia is considered to have a high economic risk, rated at 6 out of 6 on the scale. With a medium-sized economy, it ranks #107 of 183 countries in terms of GDP, a measure of the economy's size. It is an excellent growing economy with a growth rate of 3.57%, ranking #114. A low GDP per capita at 1121 USD, puts it at #153 out of 183 countries. The Purchasing Power Parity is 3298.63 USD. Additionally, the inflation rate in 2021 was 22%, which is very high. This rate, combined with a low GDP per capita, is a contributing factor to the country’s high economic risk score.

Business risk in Lusaka

Lusaka, Zambia's capital, has a relatively low business environment risk of 4 out of 6 for Africa. Its property rights index of 37 out of 100 is classified as low in Africa, but the business freedom index of 66 out of 100 is a good score for the continent. The economic freedom index overall is 50 out of 100 and is determined by factors such as the efficiency of rules, regulations, and market openness. Overall, Lusaka has good indicators for conducting business with a reasonable level of risk.

Political risk in Lusaka

Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, faces significant political risk with a score of 6/6. The rule of law index that determines an agents' ability to enforce contracts is very low, -0.59 points, making it close to impossible to do so. Additionally, Zambia's control of corruption and political stability index are weak, and a large shadow economy equivalent to 32.99% of the country's GDP adds to the risk. Businesses should be aware of these indicators and be prepared to face high political risks when engaging in economic activities in Lusaka. It's recommended to charge upfront payments and avoid credits.

Commercial risk in Lusaka

The commercial risk in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, is rated as medium by most models. This score is relatively high compared to other cities in Africa. With a positive trade balance of 18.59%, Lusaka imports fewer goods and services than it exports, leading to a foreign exchange reserve of 2.75 bn. USD. These figures tell us that Lusaka is a safe investment prospect and provides a hub for international trade. With such a strong commercial profile, Lusaka is a great option for companies looking to do business in Zambia.

Financial risk in Lusaka

In the Zambian city of Lusaka, the financing risk is 4/4, making it a high risk. Legal rights for creditors and borrowers are marked at 11 out of 12, and the credit information sharing index reaches up to 8. This makes it easier to understand the credit risk of potential customers, while creditors have strong protections. Although Lusaka is at high risk, understanding and protecting yourself should be easier with the strong measures in place.

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