Rositsa Kebedjieva, Attorney-at-law

Legal professional with extensive practice in handling commercial disputes and debt collection cases in Bulgaria.

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As a practising lawyer with more than 10 years of litigation experience, I am always focused on delivering the best solutions for my clients.
The debt recovery process usually starts with initial verification of the facts, particularly in cases, concerning cross boundary relations, and facilitation of talks for voluntary recovery of the debt. If the preliminary negotiations don't achieve any practical results, the next step is to initiate legal proceedings in the respective competent court and, if necessary, to request imposition of additional collateral, securing the assets of the debtor with the aim of easing the enforcement against the debtor's property in case of a positive outcome for the creditor.

The fees, due for my legal representation services, are based on initial down payment of a fixed amount and subsequent success fee, which is due upon finalization of the court proceedings and is estimated as a percentage of the amount, awarded by the court to the creditor.

Considering that the debt recovery process might be quite lengthy and time-consuming, I am always striving to inform my clients about the potential alternatives, which might be equally well serving to their needs. Therefore, the better I know my clients and their individual circumstances, the greater the chances for successful completion of the debt recovery process.

The fees, due for my legal representation services, are based on initial down payment of a fixed amount and subsequent success fee, which is due upon finalization of the court proceedings and is estimated as a percentage of the amount, awarded by the court to the creditor.
Services offered
Debt enforcement
Civil lawsuits
Insolvency proceedings
Pre-legal debt collection
Legal debt collection
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Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Bulgaria
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