PRIME LAW Attorneys at Law is a law firm located in the heart of Vienna, the capital of Austria. To ensure that your law is competently represented in all areas, with PRIME LAW Attorneys at Law you can rely on our expertise and on our exclusive Private Client Service. Enjoy the strategic advantages of a first-class all-round service, with which your legal, judicial and regulatory problems are efficiently solved.
Get a free quotePRIME LAW Attorneys at Law is an up-and-coming dynamic law firm with highly qualified lawyers who represent your interests with the utmost commitment. Founded in 2021, it has now also succeeded in winning renowned clients such as Samsung Austria.
With great assertiveness, PRIME LAW Attorneys at Law support you in the collection of your claim, in court enforcement in civil proceedings, in the collection of your claim for which you already have an execution title valid in Austria, as well as in execution proceedings and insolvency proceedings, just as in the enforcement of your claims in inheritance proceedings.
We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Austria
