M. Roy & Associates
We deal with recovery of debt and loan of companies as well as individual. We also provide various types legal support and mainly deal with company, banking, family and land related issues through out Bangladesh and all over the world. We have nexus with different law firms all over the world by which we can provide legal support all over the globe.
Get a free quoteM. Roy & Associates is enlisted panel lawyer to a significant number of leading banks and financial institutions in Bangladesh. Providing legal services on a regular basis to on various matters concerning different areas of the law including but not limited to Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003, Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, Bank Companies Act 1991, Financial Institutions Act 1993, Companies Act 1994, Bangladesh Bank Foreign Exchange Regulations, Registration Act, Transfer of Property Act, Stamp Act, Court Fees Act, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, Special Powers Act, Evidence Act, Specific Relief Act, Limitation Act, Family Laws, Foreign Exchange Regulations Act 1947, Letter of Credits, Uniform Practice and Custom for Documentary Credit, Customs Act, Value Added Tax Act 1991, Income Tax Ordinance 1984, Arbitration Act 2001, laws and regulations of the Securities and Exchanges Commission, Anti-Money Laundering Act, etc.
M. Roy & Associates has achieved confidence and trust of its clients within short time by providing proper legal assistance through courts and/or outside of court. Sometime cases can be easily solved out of court which otherwise can be said Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). We encourage our clients to ADR. Most of the time the litigant do not get benefit by litigating due to delay in justice delivery system, for lack of procedural knowledge and for lack of proper monitoring. We always ensure proper monitoring and level best legal services to our clients, which key to success of our litigation side. We deal with all types of Civil suits such as property matter, title matter, family suits, money suits, Artha Rin Suits, L/c. matter, etc. and in criminal side CR Cases including case under NI Act, The Penal Code, GR Cases, Criminal Appeal, Revision, bail matter, etc. We deal with cases both in lower judiciary, i.e. Districts Courts as well as higher judiciary, i.e. Supreme Court of Bangladesh both High Court Division and Appellate Division.
M. Roy & Associates is experienced and specialized in preparing, drafting and vetting all necessary loan/security documents in connection to syndicated financing arrangement. Actively participated as common counsel for the lead agent and arranger in a number of significant and contemporary syndication deals including: i) Keya Cosmetic Ltd. (Pubali Bank), ii) Noman Terry Towel Ltd. (Prime Bank), iii) Jem Jute Ltd. (Prime Bank) and many more.
In addition, skilled in verifying chain of ownership of immovable property documents, preparing all forms of loan/security documents including, Loan Agreement, Sale Agreement, Investment Facility Agreement, Pari-Passu Security Sharing Agreement, Deed of Mortgage, Deed of Hypothecation by way of Fixed/Floating Charge, Irrevocable General Power of Attorney, Corporate/Personal Guarantee, Letter of Undertaking, Letter of Comfort, etc.
M. Roy & Associates is familiar with legal issues pertaining to company secretarial affairs such board of directors, human resource policy in purview of Bank Companies Act 1991, Companies Act 1994 and various circulars as issued by the Banking Regulation and Policy Department of the Bangladesh Bank.
M. Roy & Associates has been working for many years in recovery of bad debts of banks, financial institution, corporate bodies and private individuals.
M. Roy & Associates also provide pro bono legal services to backward section of people's of the society and unprivileged people's of the society. It also works to ensure women's right in the society.
We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Bangladesh
