Lexia Avvocati
LEXIA Avvocati is a law firm with offices in Milan, Rome and Palermo. A leader in corporate, financial markets, tax and start-up law.
Get a free quoteLexia is specialized among other things in debt collection case. In accordance to the Italian law: 1. we notify to the debtor a final letter before action; 2. if the debtor fails to pay within 7/14 days from the receipt of the letter before action, we request the competent Italian Court to issue a court payment order against the debtor (so called “Decreto Ingiuntivo”). Our assistance includes (i) examine the case and collect from you all the necessary documents and information, (ii) prepare and serve to the debtor a letter before action, and (iii) draft and file with the competent Italian court a request to issue an injunction order against the debtor. A court payment order will order the debtor to pay immediately the full amount of credit, plus interest and lawyers' fees. A court payment order is normally issued within 10 to 20 working days from the date of filing the request with the court. If the debtor has grounds to challenge the order, he can file a writ of summons against the creditor within 40 days from the notification of the order. However, if the payment order was issued by the court as “provisionally enforceable”, the creditor can immediately start enforcement actions against the debtor.
We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Italy
