A duly registered multi –practice Law Firm, licensed to practice law, providing a full range of legal services to individuals, companies, and other entities in selected areas of the Legal profession.
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LEGAL WORTHY ATTORNEYS is a law firm duly registered and licensed to practice law, providing a full range of legal services to individuals, companies and other entities in selected areas of Corporate & Commercial Consultancy, Banking Finance and Securitization, Labour and Employment Law, Taxation Law and Consultancy, Dispute Resolution, Social Security, Mergers and Acquisitions, Intellectual Property, Land and Conveyance Law; Mining law, Oil and Gas law and Public Procurement Law. We also provide business support services to our clients.
Our services range from;
- Provision of legal advice in respect of Labour matters and social security schemes, facilitate preparation of contracts of employment, creation of policy documents and regulations, facilitation of voluntary agreements and registration of the same, representation on Mediation and Arbitration, and representation at the Labour Court
- Labour related issues and Regulatory issues in start up and closure of projects and actuation and follow up through the relevant Government Agencies
- Commercial Agreements including association agreements, partnerships, sale of business, shareholders/sale of share agreements, merger and acquisition bids, collaterals and security agreements such as debentures, mortgages and guarantees in various forms
- Legal services in tax matters, tax consultancy and tax planning
- Commercial investment and related business matters such as due diligence, tendering processes, legal consultation
- Commercial Arbitration including conducting of arbitration and execution of the arbitrators’ awards
- Land matters ranging from Property Sale, Conveyance and transfer, facilitation for valuation, survey, leases, subleases, subdivision, titling, vertical ownership, parceling, change of use and right of occupancy ownerships.
- Trade Marks, Copyright, Patents and Service Marks including registration and representation on patent matters
- Legal Consultation in Natural Resources and Extractive Industry Law including Mining, Oil and Gas Laws,
- Insurance claims and related Consultancy services including legal opinions, bonds creation, and re-insurance agreements.
- Provision of legal secretarial services including filing of returns, taking of board minutes, creating extracts etc
- General litigation and legal consultation
We assist foreign investors and/or business to make compliance checks with their business contacts or legal requirements in Tanzania.
- We conduct due diligence on behalf of foreign investors or any foreign business or individual wishing to have an establishment (business or social) in Tanzania.
- We conduct eligibility checks on Tanzanian establishments to advice our foreign clients on feasibility of their proposals, whether business or otherwise.
- We check compliance of local (Tanzanian) business establishments with BRELA requirements, on behalf of our clients.
- We advise our foreign clients on legal frameworks and legal requirements of doing business in Tanzania.
Note: BRELA stands for Business Registration and Licencing Agency.
Legal Worthy Attorneys has expertise in procurement management, one of its partners having worked for some large corporations in Tanzania as a Procurement Specialist and a coordinator for Donor Funded Projects. In the field of Procurement Management LWA offers the following services:
- Assisting clients to register on the local electronic procurement platform TANePS – i.e. Tanzania National e-Procurement System.
- Notification to foreign clients, of all available public tenders.
- Preparation tenders (bids) and management of tender processes.
- Obtaining necessary documents and submission of tenders/bids on behalf of foreign clients.
- Assistance in negotiations for procurement processes.
- Assistance in negotiations for procurement contracts and advice on contract performance.
- Advice and assistance in making credible applications for Administrative Reviews
- Appeals to the relevant institutions (PPAA and Judicial Reviews).
- Representation of foreign clients to judicial or other legal bodies in matters of procurement.
- Preparation and attestation of Powers of Attorney for foreign clients.
We are able to provide clients with the legal guidance necessary to develop an innovation from concept to realization in the marketplace: Our aim is to deliver legal service with efficiency, integrity, responsibility and personal attention to details.
We have groomed ourselves to be dependable attorneys and well rounded research consultants, and have now come together to bring a wealth of experience in a wide range of practice areas. Furthermore, we are well aware of the potential of resources laying out there and are ready in calling upon the expertise of others where we are lacking to ensure that the rendered opinions are well rounded.
We pride ourselves in being confident and achieve the set goals for which we are retained. We are prompt in effecting and delivering the services we are retained for.
Whilst on these objectives, we have the best interests of our clients in our minds. Our services are affordable, making it possible to serve the well deserving members of the community and maintaining a reasonable number of clients.
We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Tanzania
