Hilton Law Group
Hilton Law Group is a full-service law firm duly established in Tanzania, with a great track record in handling various legal issues in the country. The Firm has highly experienced advocates who are solution-oriented and have unique methodologies in handing client matters.
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Our debt recovery process involves the following steps:
- Before the commencement of any recovery measures, the team handling recovery for and on behalf of the client shall conduct a pre-debt collection audit on the bad debt/ recovery account.
- Drafting of the first demand letter to the defaulter and any other persons entitled to be notified of default (such as guarantors and or spouses in case of a Bank/Microfinance) to notify them of the default and the extent of the default and the appointment of Hilton Law Group as Advocates for purposes of debt recovery.
- Conduct meetings between the defaulter and the client, if necessary and where required, for purposes of assessing the cause of the default and seeing how best the default can be made good.
- In the event a workable solution is found, the recovery measures shall be based on this process and a supervised operation of the conduct of the business of the defaulter and or its re-organization shall proceed to ensure the complete repayment of the outstanding amounts.
- In the event the above important step fails, we shall have to opt for more stringent recovery measures which include the making of relevant statutory demand notices and or contractual demands to the borrower and guarantors and all the persons entitled or obliged to receive such (e.g spouses).
- In the event of failure to respond to the said demands or to comply with the demands stipulated therein, then the debt recovery team shall embark on various recovery measures such as liquidation or court administration.
We typically charge a fee of 3% to 10% depending on the amount. 60% is paid upon instruction, and 40% is paid upon completion.
Services offered
Insolvency proceedings
Legal debt collection
Debt enforcement
Civil lawsuits
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Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar es salaam, 0000, Tanzania
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We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in TanzaniaGet a free Quote
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