SATOR Law Firm has two departments, an industrial property department, and a department in charge of litigation and legal affairs. The industrial property department is specialized in the protection of trademarks, invention patents and designs and models. He ensures the defense of industrial property rights. The legal department covers disputes concerning civil law, social law, labor law and administrative law.
Get a free quoteFounded in Algiers in 1933, Sator law firm is one of the two oldest firms of lawyers and consulting in industrial property in Algeria. Located in Algiers downtown, Sator law firm, now, Mohamed and Maya Sator law firm has accumulated more than fifty years of experience in all aspects of Algerian law and intellectual property litigations. With a multidisciplinary team of lawyers, engineers and technicians in industrial property consulting, Mohamed and Maya Sator law firm is a leader in this field and counts among its partners more than 900 Legal firms all over the world including a hundred in France.

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