A&CO Law Firm

Discover A&CO Law Firm, Muscat's premier fully Omani legal team offering bilingual, comprehensive legal services. Combining local and international experience, we provide nuanced solutions for every legal challenge, prioritizing client success.

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Renowned for offering bilingual proficient and nuanced legal solutions, A&CO Law Firm provides premium service in various fields of law. Our approach is rooted in presenting our clients with the most viable and plausible options for their legal issues. We take the time to prioritize these options based on their effectiveness, allowing our clients to make informed decisions built on the most beneficial legal advice.

Debt Collection and Recovery

When tackling issues of debt collection and recovery, we initially reach out to debtors in attempts to amicably resolve the situation. Our seasoned team of negotiators work relentlessly to achieve settlements that are favorable to our clients.

  • We ensure a swift enforcement of these settlements by persuading debtors to effectively authenticate these agreements with the relevant authorities. This approach allows us to proceed directly to enforcement at court should a default event occur, without the necessity of filing a legal case.
  • Post settlement, we maintain regular contact with debtors to ensure they adhere to the agreed terms until the debt has been fully paid off.

In circumstances where debtors remain unresponsive, rest assured that we are prepared to take further steps. Our experienced team is fully equipped to file a legal case and proceed with claiming the debt.

Since being established in 2020, A&CO Law Firm has grown to house a dedicated team of six employees. We continuously strive to uphold our standard of offering optimal options and comprehensive legal counsel to our clients.

For pre-legal debt collection, it is 15% of the collected amount. In terms of legal debt collection fees are allocated depending on the debt amount and required stages at court.
Services offered
Debt enforcement
Legal debt collection
Pre-legal debt collection
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Ufuq Business Center, Shatti Al Qurum, 3026 As Saruj Street
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We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.

Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Oman
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